Monday, August 31, 2009


So it was a really long week for me. In addition to a few personal issues, I had trouble getting a good night´s sleep each night for one reason or another, I had problems and frustrations with my students, was the victim of one robbery attempt and one successful robbery, was punched in the face, had to buy a new phone, and was told by my bank that I have to figure out a way to call them from Ecuador before they can cancel the debit card I had stolen.

The last seven days have felt like a month or so. I´ve been pretty stressed and cranky for a while now and I doubt it´s going to get much better. My schedule has not been great, so I haven´t been able to do as much as I want. And I´m starting the TEFL course next Monday, which means I will have no life for about 3 weeks. Hopefully after that, things will settle down a bit, and hopefully by next cycle things will be much better.

Time will tell.


  1. Things will get better dude, they usually do. Happy to hear you're still alive as always though.

    I'm sure part of you is thinking "argh! Ecuador!" But seriously, all that stuff could have happened in NYC, except in NYC you'd be surrounded by miles of concrete rather than jungles and mountains.

    Take half a day and go for a hike or something, get out of the city, destress. Deep breaths man. Helps me at least.

  2. Don't worry Bro, it'll get pretty well man. Listen to what Brent said, that guy sometimes knows stuff. Anyway, don't worry I felt the same when I first showed up in Burlington but it's going well, you just need to take it slow and dont' get frustrated. Also stay in contact with those that care about you.

    Dad was kinda not happy that you didn't call after this happened....
