Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Outdated Update

Hola a todos,

Ok, so here is another long-overdue post.

The break over the holidays was fun, but pretty boring for the most part. I spent some time hanging out with friends in the city, but not much more. For Christmas a bunch of us ex-pats who weren´t going home got together with a few Ecuadorians and cooked ourselves a nice dinner which included shrimp parmesan, chicken, and various other things. We have these sorts of cooking get-togethers ever few weeks though.

For the new year we made an effigy of the old year (el año viejo) and burned it in the street and then proceeded to leap to and fro over the flames. It´s a cool tradition that I plan to bring back with me. Way more fun than watching the ball drop.

Teaching has been going just fine, although my students haven´t been as much fun as they were last cycle. Next cycle I may be doing a teaching tag-team with a writing/literature course which I hope will be very useful to our students who need a lot more exposure to natural written language.

I´ve begun climbing mountains again as I work my way up to Cotopaxi, and perhaps even to Chimborazo. But you won´t be seeing many more pictures since my camera died from water damage on a rainy hike recently.

This past weekend was a four-day weekend for Carnival. I spent a few days near Montañita, a busy party town on the coast. We stayed within walking distance of the town, but at a pretty chill part of the beach. It was the first time I really fell in love with the beach and could see myself spending long amounts of time on one. A lot of us went and mostly we hung out, went body surfing, walked around, ate, drank. The stuff you normally do on the beach.

And now I´m back at work and I don´t really want to be. But oh well. That´s life.

I´ll be posting in another few months, so don´t stay tuned, lol.



  1. FINALLY! I love the irony of you having grown up in the "Ocean State" and still not appreciating the beach until moving to Ecuador! lol.

  2. What's the water temperature like down there? I don't like the beach much here because the water is too cold, but get me down to the Gulf and I love it.
