Sunday, May 17, 2009

La Primera

Hello all,

I'm about to start getting ready to head to the airport to catch my flight to Quito, Ecuador. This will be my blog documenting my experience there. Hopefully my future posts will be more interesting than this one. You can keep in touch with me via email, facebook, or this blog.

Also, I will be "monetizing" this blog, which means there will be advertisements on it. If you are seeing ads right now, then please click on them. In fact click on them as many times as you can. You see, I get a little bit of money every time someone visits this blog or clicks on the ads. That means that you can help me finance this adventure of mine. And since I'm poor, I see no reason why I should be above begging, or using Google ads.

Feel free to contact me or to share my blog with others.

Cheers, everyone. Next time we speak, I'll be in Ecuador!

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